Import filters

You can import a text file (i.e., local collection) to quickly select members for a filter as explained below. This method works for several types of filters, including workspace filters, individual widget filters, and filter widgets. In addition, text files can be used when creating filter buttons and collections. This feature may be turned off globally by your administrator.

In addition to the method explained below, you can import options, including filters, from other dashboards. However, this option is not available for filter widgets.

To import a text file for a filter

  1. If you haven't already, create a text file that lists the members. It should have the CSV extension. Each line should list the host code of a single member.

Example CSV file





  1. Go to the selection window for the filter. For example, to import a text file for a workspace filter, click on the workspace filter in the filters panel.

  2. Click the button at the top of the window.

  1. Choose the file and click Open.

    Salient Dashboards will show a summary of the members imported.

  1. Click Apply.

Tip: To save the members as a collection, click Save at the bottom of the window.