Save a dashboard

After you have made changes to a dashboard, you may want to save it so that you can return to it in the future with your desired settings already applied and/or share it with others (additional rights may be required).  

To save a dashboard

  1. Open the original dashboard and make the desired changes. For example, you might apply a filter or change the date.

  2. Click Save at the top of the screen.

  3. Type a dashboard name. This might be the same as the original dashboard or you might modify the name.

  4. Select a location. The available locations depend on your user rights: private dashboards are only available to you; published dashboards are available to other users.

  5. Click OK.


The saved dashboard is a copy of the original dashboard unless you overwrite it using the same location and name; therefore, if the original dashboard changes, the copy will not be updated.

If you only have access to the private folder and you want to share a dashboard with other users, you may want to use the Share URL feature.