Export data

You can export the data from a widget to one of the following file types, depending on dashboard and widget settings. This option is available in a grid or graph; however, Excel and comma-separated value files will show the underlying data for an exported graph.

Alternatively, you can create a pdf file containing the data.

Exporting data is different than exporting the dashboard definition to an .sdm file.

To export data from a widget

  1. Customize the widget to use the desired date range, dimension, drill-path, etc.

  2. On the title bar of the widget, click and then select Export .

  3. If prompted, in the Export dialog, select the file type to which you want to export. The file type may be pre-configured.

For Excel and comma-separated files:


  1. If the widget has checked members and/or multiple pages, choose what to export: all rows, only rows in the current page of data, or only the checked rows (if rows are checked).


  1. In the Export Expansions section, choose what to expand to the next level of data (only available if multiple Group Bys are configured).

    Current Grid Expansions - expands the same members as the current grid. If no members are expanded, the file will show top-level data.

    Expand and Export to - expands all members at the specified level and above regardless of what is expanded in the current grid. This option is similar to auto-expansion.

    These options are different for record details (see below).

In addition, you can include or omit subtotal rows for any expanded members. Be aware that with this option checked, the data includes duplicates and a simple totaling of a column may yield incorrect results. For example:

  1. Optionally, check Include Host Code Columns option to include a column(s) for the host codes of the members. If members are expanded, this option will also include host codes for supgroupings.

  2. Specify the file name to use.

  3. Click OK.

Depending on your browser, you can open the file immediately or select a location to save it. If you do not have full permissions for temporary internet files, then the open option cannot function correctly. In this case, use the appropriate option to save the file in the desired location.

Exporting record details

In general, you can choose the level of data to expand during the export process (see step 5 above). However, this capability is different for record details due to the large number of data records that are possible. Use one of the following options to export record-level data: