Auto-expansion in flat view

In a "flat" view, dimensions and keys can be expanded into columns to provide detailed, cross-key information. Each unique combination of members (i.e., attributes) has its own row. You can interact with rows by drilling, sorting, and more, to investigate performance.

To expand in a flat view

  1. Start with one of the following widget types in grid format: Comparative, Multi Comparative, or Mix. The grid type should be "flat view." The grid type is pre-built into the dashboard. You can also select the grid type in explore mode.

  2. Select dimensions and/or keys.

    - Click the By in the breadcrumb path (underlined) or open the Group By area in the toolkit.

    - Place dimensions and/or keys in the desired order. This will control the order of columns in flat view (e.g., 1st By will be first column).

    - Click the button beside the level(s) that you want to auto-expand (i.e., show next dimension as separate column). The icon is blue when auto-expand is on.

    - Click OK.





If you skip a level for auto-expansion, the view will stop expanding members at that level; however, auto-expansion may resume at a lower level after you drill, manually expand members, or change the By, if the new By is auto-expanded.

You cannot auto-expand down to record details; instead, drill down, change the Group By, or expand items individually.

You can click the arrow to expand an individual member in a flat view. In this case, the view will add another column for the next dimension in the drill order. The flat view will include a subtotal row for the expanded item.