Tree expansion

In standard grids that compare members, you can expand one or more members to see subgroupings underneath them. You can expand the 1st By dimension to see the 2nd By, the 2nd By dimension to see the 3rd By, etc. You can expand members individually or auto-expand all members of a dimension (only available in some analysis types).


To expand members individually

Click the  arrow beside the member(s) that you want to expand.

You can expand additional levels of data (e.g., 2nd By, 3rd By, etc.) if you wish.

Tip: The widget must have multiple Group By dimensions; otherwise, the arrow is not available.


To auto-expand all members of a dimension or key

(only available in Comparative, Multi Comparative, and Mix grids)

  1. Click the By in the breadcrumb path (underlined).

  2. In the pop-up dialog, click the button beside the dimension(s) and/or key(s) that you want to expand to the next level. The icon is blue when auto-expand is on.

    If you skip a level, the view will stop expanding members at that level; however, auto-expansion may resume at a lower level after you drill, manually expand members, or change the By, if the new By is auto-expanded.

  3. Click OK.




Depending on the grid page size, you may not be able to see all available 2nd By dimension members at once. In this case, you can increase the grid page size or change the sort to bring the desired members closer to the beginning of the list.