Geo widget

Geo Overview


Map showing data values and/or change since another date range


Date setup

This widget shows results for one or two date ranges. Click on in the widget toolbar (visible on mouseover) and select from pre-configured or custom options for "This" date range. Optionally, choose an earlier date range (Last) for comparison.


To add measures, click the Measures area of the toolkit (in explore mode)You can then use any of the selected measures to control the size and/or color of the points and/or map areas. To access the geo setup areas, click the legend.

Group By/ Filter By

This widget aggregates data rather than comparing separate groupings. 

Filters may be applied.


Geo-coded points, colored and sized by metric

Geo area map colored by measure

Map showing points and areas



Map background layers are pre-configured by your administrator.

The toolbar on the left side of the map (on mouseover) allows you to zoom, select members, and more.

You can mouseover the legend to show the number of members in each range.