Types of Data Analysis Widgets

A dashboard can include any of the following data analysis widgets. In explore mode, you can change the analysis type. In any mode, you can switch between grid and graph formats (if enabled for the widget).

Analysis type



Comparison of members for one or two date ranges; any number measures.


Comparison grid or graph that organizes data by two different attributes (i.e., dimensions) to examine cross-sections of data.

   Multi Comparative

Comparison of members for any number of date ranges and measures; column filters may be applied to focus on specific subsets of data and provide dynamic benchmark comparisons.


Trend over time for one or two date ranges for multiple measures

  Share Trend

Comparison trend for multiple members; either actual values or percent of the total for single measure


Pass and fail of key members for an exception test (e.g., customers with units >=1)

 Exception Time Series

Pass and fail of key members for an exception test over time


Plot of members along two axes to show trends and outliers. The points can represent key members (e.g., customers) or dimension members (e.g., regions). Additional variables can be used to color and size the points (i.e., "bubble chart").


How the components of a calculated measure affect its make-up


Map showing data values and/or change since another date range


A simple visual tool showing performance; single measure



Percent of the total for multiple members for one or two date ranges; any number of measures



  • To prevent users from viewing data that doesn't make sense in a particular context, some types of data may be unavailable depending on the analysis type. Likewise, some analysis types may be unavailable depending on the type of data.

  • To view record-level data similar to that in SIM's Line Item or Time in Place analysis, you can group the data by Record Details.

  • Custom views may be configured to show representations of data beyond the graphs and grids shown here.