Grid settings


Grid settings allow you to customize the appearance of the grid format of a widget.

In explore mode, click at the bottom of the toolkit to access grid settings.



Grid Type

Click on this section to select a row and column layout for the grid.

Show Grid Toolbar

Optionally, clear this option to remove the paging toolbar from the bottom of a widget that has multiple pages of data. Clearing this option may be useful when creating simplified widgets.

Use Infinite Grid Scrolling

This option controls the method for accessing members beyond the grid page size (see below).

  • To show members on additional pages, leave infinite grid scrolling off. In this case, the grid will have a paging toolbar to allow users to navigate between pages of data. For example:

  • To allow endless scrolling in a single page, turn this option on. In this case, the paging toolbar will be hidden. Members will load as the user scrolls. Infinite grid scrolling is not available when dimensions are auto-expanded.

Hide Grid Totals

This option allows you to hide or show the totals row. Users can also click on the Total and Average rows in the grid to toggle these rows on/off.

Hide Grid Averages

This option allows you to hide or show an average row. Users can also click on the Total and Average rows in the grid to toggle these rows on/off.

Hide Grid Subtotals

This option allows you to hide or show a row showing the subtotal for checked members.

Grid Page Size

Enter the maximum number of members to display per page. The effect of this setting depends on the whether auto-expand is on (see below). In addition, paging is not used if infinite scrolling is on. Note that you cannot increase the grid page size beyond the maximum number set by your administrator.

If auto-expand is off in a standard grid (with infinite scrolling off):

This number applies to each dimension level separately. Because multiple levels and multiple members in each level may be expanded individually, the actual number of rows per page can exceed the grid page size.

  • For the top-level dimension (1st By), the grid will show up to this number of members per page. If the context exceeds this number, users will be able to navigate to additional pages using the paging toolbar at the bottom of the widget.

  • For lower-level dimensions (2nd By, 3rd By, etc.), the grid will truncate members beyond this number.

If auto-expand is on in a standard grid or flat view:

This number applies to all auto-expanded dimensions combined. As a result, the maximum number of rows per page is approximately the same as the grid page size (unless underlying members are expanded individually). Members are not truncated at any auto-expanded level; instead, members continue to the next page if the context exceeds the grid page size. Note that a "continued" member is only included in the page count on its first occurrence.

For example, twelve regions auto-expanded into ten zip codes each in a standard grid would result in a total count of: 12 regions plus 12 x 10 zip codes = 132 total members. In a flat view, the region level would not have separate rows; therefore, the total count would be 12 x 10 zip codes = 120 total members. In either case, if the resulting number exceeded the page size, members would continue to the next page.

Number of rows to expand

Optionally, enter a number greater than zero to automatically expand the top row(s) into the next level of data (i.e., 2nd By). The specified number controls how many rows will be expanded on each page. Additional rows may be expanded as usual. This setting is not applicable when the 1st By uses auto-expansion.

Column Page Size

(Crosstab only) Enter the maximum number of Cross By members, or columns, to show. Users will not be able to access Cross By members beyond this number.

Show Comp On Grid

(Exception only) Show selected measures in addition to standard exception columns.