Member coloring

You can assign custom colors to specific dimension members to enhance visual understanding in some types of graphs. For example, you might assign blue to represent a certain region. The colors will be applied consistently in all applicable widgets, which include Mix, Share Trend, and some Crosstab graphs (see the following tips), within the dashboard. For members with assigned colors, the member coloring will override the color palette. Member colors do not carry over from one dashboard to another; however, you can import settings for member coloring.

To apply member coloring

  1. In explore mode, click on at the bottom of the toolkit.

  2. In the toolkit, expand Dashboard Settings, and click on Member Coloring.

  3. Click on Set a Member Color.

Tip: This menu shows a summary of the member colors that have already been defined. You can click on a dimension to edit its colors.


  1. In the next menu, choose the dimension.


  1. Locate a member to which you want to assign a color. If you wish, you can search for a member.

  2. Click the square beside the member and choose a color. Repeat this step to choose colors for additional members. You may skip a member(s); in this case, the default color from the palette will be applied to the member(s).

  3. When you are finished choosing colors for a dimension, click Apply.


  1. Click Apply, or repeat this procedure to choose coloring for additional dimensions.




Only Mix, Share Trend, and Crosstab graphs with static colors show member coloring, because other types of widgets use coloring to represent measures, percent change, pass/fail, etc.

To turn on static colors for a Crosstab so that member coloring can be utilized, go to its color setup in Visual Options.

Crosstab static coloring (in visual options):

You can restore the default colors for any or all dimensions. This will delete the color settings. To restore default colors for all dimensions, click Restore All Default Colors. To restore default colors for one dimension, click Restore Default Member Colors.