Filter data by a collection

Collections can be applied to a single widget or the workspace (i.e., entire dashboard) to filter the data by a saved set of members.

To apply a collection as a filter

  1. Do one of the following to open the filters area:


  1. Click Load a Collection.

  1. In the Collections dialog, locate the collection and place a checkmark beside it. You may need to expand a key, dimension, and category to find the collection. A search option is also available.

  2. Click Apply.


If you select more than one collection within the same key or dimension, results will be limited to members that are common to all selected collections.

• The  symbol represents a dynamic collection. This type of collection updates dynamically based on test criteria.

• The  symbol represents a dynamic collection that has been created in SIM. You can apply this type of collection but not edit it in Salient Dashboards.

The button lets you merge multiple collections into a single new collection.




The breadcrumb path does not show when collection-based filters are on, but the widget tooltip (shown when placing the cursor over the title bar) shows collection filters even if they are hidden in view mode.