Gauge widget

Gauge Overview


A simple visual tool showing performance; single measure


Date setup

This widget shows results for one or two date ranges. Click on in the widget toolbar (visible on mouseover) and select from pre-configured or custom options for "This" date range. Optionally, choose an earlier date range (Last) for comparison.

Measure setup

The graphical gauges (horizontal, circle, numeric, etc.) show one measure at a time. The grid format can show any number of measures. To select the measures to show/hide, click in the widget toolbar (visible on mouseover). Only measures that have been added to the widget will be available for selection using this tool.

To add measure(s), click the Measures area of the toolkit (in explore mode).

Filter By

This widget aggregates data rather than comparing separate groupings. 

Filters may be applied.


Horizontal graph

Vertical graph

Circle graph (regular gauge or solid)

Semi-Circle graph (regular gauge or solid)

Numeric graph
