Scattergram widget

Scattergram Overview


Plot of members along two axes to show trends and outliers. The points can represent key members (e.g., customers) or dimension members (e.g., regions). Additional variables can be used to color and size the points (i.e., "bubble chart").


Scatter format

Bubble format

Cross-date scattergram

Date setup

This widget shows results for one or two date ranges. Click on in the widget toolbar (visible on mouseover) and select from pre-configured or custom options for "This" date range. Optionally, choose an earlier date range (Last) for comparison.

Filter By

This widget aggregates data rather than comparing separate groupings. 

Filters may be applied.

Measure setup

To select measures, click in the widget toolbar (visible on mouseover) and click Edit Measures, or click the Measures area of the toolkit (in explore mode). Add measures and then use the drop-down menus to select what to plot along the x axis (horizontal) and y axis (vertical). If the widget compares two date ranges (This and Last), you can check Shared X/Y Axis Measure to plot Last versus This for a single measure. Any additional measures added here will be available for coloring and sizing points in Visual Options.

Scatter By

The Scatter By controls what is plotted on the Scattergram. The Scatter By can be a key (e.g., customer) or a dimension (e.g., region). A point or bubble will represent each member. Click on Scatter By in the toolkit (in explore mode) to change the key or dimension.


Scattergram graph

Bubble chart

Cross-date scattergram
