Column filters (in Multi Comparative)

The columns in a Multi Comparative widget can be filtered on various subsets of data. The filters, date ranges, measures, and equivalents can be the same or different across columns. Any number of columns can be included to provide a customized view of performance. For example, compare performance across individual brands, packages, and custom groups of products in one view. A filter icon  indicates that a column is filtered. The filtered data is also available when you switch to graph format.

The following instructions explain how to filter individual columns. Column filters can also be set up to work with dashboard filters to compare whatever is selected to benchmarks, such as all, all others, or custom cohorts.

To apply a filter to a column

  1. Add or select a Multi Comparative widget. Column filtering is only available in this widget type. 

    - The widget must have at least one measure.
    - The widget must be in grid format.

  1. Place the cursor over the main heading of the column to filter and click the  menu icon.

  2. Select Filter Date Range.

  3. In the next menus, choose how to filter the column. These options are the same as those available for other types of filters. For example, you can filter on a saved collection, create a new filter for any available dimension, apply a dynamic filter, etc. 

  1. (Recommended) Customize the column header to indicate what the column is filtered on:

    - Place the cursor over the column and click the  menu icon.
    - Select Customize Header.
    Choose header options.



• Column filters also allow you to apply equivalents to individual columns to compare converted data within a widget. Equivalents are available via the Create a filter option.

• Depending on the dataset configuration, you may be able to include custom calculations that compare one column to another (e.g., difference between one brand and all products). This feature requires temporal measures.